National Truck Driving Championships

National Truck Driving Championships

Jimmy Mac Reflects On Trip To NTDC 2022

August 18, 2022

Shortly after finishing up two days of onsite broadcasting the Dave Nemo Show from NTDC 2022 in Indianapolis, Jimmy Mac, the host of Dave Nemo Weekends, sat down with Greg Thompson of PodWheels to get Jimmy’s immediate impressions of his first-ever trip to the National Truck Driving and National Step Van Driving Championships. While he touched on several different highlights that stood out for him, NTDC 2022, Jimmy observed that, whether it was with a driver competing in the event, a volunteer, a fleet owner or an official, this championship event from the ATA, featured a common threads of camaraderie, safety, family, getting able to see old friends and the fact that every driver was already a winner.

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