National Truck Driving Championships

2024 Darmstadter Award Winner Richard Sweeney Shares Career Reflections With Roland Bolduc
We are thrilled to introduce a new segment on the podcast with our first Rollin’ With Roland feature interview. As you will hear, two-time NTDC Grand Champion Roland Bolduc sits down to have a competitor-to-competitor conversation with Richard Sweeney. A perennial member of the NTDC field and a model of driving excellence from the state of Massachusetts, Rich was selected as the recipient of the Neill Darmstadter Professional Excellence Award during NTDC 2024. Roland, who is Rich’s long-time training partner, takes the conversation back to Rich’s first experiences in trucking as a kid and learning how to drive under his Dad’s watchful eye. They also discuss Rich’s introduction to TDC competition, what coming to NTDC over the years has meant to him and Rich’s reaction to earning the Professional Excellence Award.
Questions Or Feedback: Do you have a question for NTDC 2025 Podcast co-hosts Eugene Mulero and Greg Thompson? Is there a feature or interview you would like to hear on an upcoming edition of the podcast? Is there any other feedback you would like to share directly with Eugene or Greg? You can reach out to us on the podcast by sending an email to
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