Trauma Hiders Club Podcast

Trauma Hiders Club Podcast

Grief Is A Trip Hazard

June 15, 2023

On the show today: Finding Connection in Loneliness: Grieving in a World that Doesn't Understand.

I riff on how a sudden obstacle that can throw us off balance, making the simplest of tasks feel impossible.

It's a journey that we never expect to take, yet one that we all must eventually face.

But what happens when grief becomes a part of us, an ever-present weight that we carry with us always?

Today I discuss how I navigate the complexities of grief, finding comfort in unexpected places and learning to accept the changes that it brings.

Maybe if all us grievers wore black armbands for the rest of our days, we'd know who else doesn't belong. And we could just all not belong together.

- Karen Goldfinger Baker

This week on Trauma Hiders Club:

·     Take time to embrace the feeling of peace.

·     Reflect on the concept of yearning. 

·     Seeking support from loved ones.

·     Embracing loneliness.

·     Practice surrendering.

·     The concept of grief living in your body and explore ways to release it.

Uncover the intricate nature of grief and how it shapes our experiences.

·     Examine the bodily and mental responses that accompany the grieving process.

·     Handling intense emotions of anger and sorrow through the grief process.

·     The sense of being out of place during a time of loss.

·     The importance of grasping grief to rediscover comfort in what once was familiar.

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