Trauma Hiders Club Podcast

Trauma Hiders Club Podcast

Breaking Free from Trauma

June 17, 2021

Welcome to the first episode of The Trauma Hiders Club Podcast. I’m your host, Karen Goldfinger Baker, a board-certified Executive Coach for high-achieving, game-changing giants in professional sports, technology, business, and leadership. I’m also the creator of the Trauma Hiders Club, an invite-only club for high-achieving individuals to feel supported, held, and heard while working past and healing from traumatic experiences. As a trauma survivor myself - I get you. For years I struggled to uncouple myself from my childhood trauma - hiding it away in that imaginary closet at the back of my mind. Through a conversation with a dear friend - paired with the global pandemic - I found freedom.


The freedom to step into the light and share my story.


The freedom to seek out and embrace other trauma survivors.


And the freedom to launch the Trauma Hiders Podcast and Club.


In this episode, I share a glimpse of the traumatic experience I endured as a young girl. I discuss how I struggled for years to separate myself and my identity from my childhood trauma and how I found the courage to heal and break free from the seemingly never-ending cycle of trauma. I also share why I decided to launch the Trauma Hiders Club Podcast and what you can expect from tuning into each episode.


“Trauma is something that happened TO you. It does not define you.” - Karen Goldfinger Baker


This week on the Trauma Hiders Club Podcast:


●     Uncoupling myself from my childhood trauma

●     My journey in breaking free from the trauma cycle

●     My mission to normalize the conversation around trauma

●     What you can expect from each episode of the Trauma Hiders Club Podcast



Where High Achievers Get Through Shit - TOGETHER


Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of Trauma Hiders Club ‘The Podcast’ with Karen Goldfinger Baker. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a review wherever you get your podcasts.


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Be sure to share your favorite episodes on social media to help me reach more high achievers like you.


Join me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, and visit my website to discover the rules of Trauma Club and grab your free download: Discover 5 Ways Your Fuckery Is Getting In The Way of The Next Level of Your Success.