Trauma Hiders Club Podcast

Trauma Hiders Club Podcast

Inner Child Work: Exiled Parts Fight Back

December 29, 2022

When I think about what I’d like to create in the new year, my mind thinks about growth, challenges, and commitment. My heart, however, is liable to be confused and push back. It wasn’t until recently that I realized that the person I want to be the most is the person I was as a child: the young me who was funny, glittery, sparkly, smart, curious, bold, engaging, and creative—the young Karen who found excitement in being surrounded by others but also valued the quiet. In short, the child—for reasons good and bad—I chose or was made to exile.

But now I know there’s no reason good enough to ever stop being who we are.

In this episode, I discuss how, in 2023, I am committing to bringing my inner child back from her exile. I also describe who I was as a child, why we cut off our true selves, and how I’m going to welcome my inner child back home.

“There’s no reason to ever stop being who you are—no reason to snip off your true being. It doesn’t work. Exiled parts fight back.” - Karen Goldfinger Baker

This week on Traversing Entrepreneurship:

  • Exile parts fight back
  • Remembering my younger self
  • How rules, life, challenges, heartbreak, and achievements chip away at who we are
  • My commitment to bringing back my inner child

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