Trauma Hiders Club Podcast

Trauma Hiders Club Podcast

Inner Child Work: Getting to Know the Truest You

November 17, 2022

We were all children once upon a time. But, as we grow up, we never really lose those sparkly, hopeful, energized, fun, and funny versions of ourselves—they are still with us today. For many members of the Trauma Hiders Club, our inner children are in pain and hiding, waiting to be held and supported. They are waiting to be known and acknowledged.

If you’re one of those people, know that it’s never too late to support your inner child.

In this episode, I offer you a practice for getting to know your inner child. I explain how our inner children, when burdened with open wounds and unprocessed trauma, can sabotage our adult experience. I also describe the deep work needed to bring our inner children into the joyful light and share a few questions to ask yourself to start getting to know your inner child.

“Get to know your inner child by reconnecting with who you were before the world of rules was thrust upon you.” - Karen Goldfinger Baker

This week on the Trauma Hiders Club Podcast:

  • The inner child
  • Doing the work to get to know our inner children
  • How unprocessed trauma can make our inner children sabotage our adult life
  • Getting to know your inner child

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