Trauma Hiders Club Podcast

Trauma Hiders Club Podcast

Unearthing Your Limiting Beliefs

October 06, 2022

Limiting decisions or beliefs are called such because they’re not really something we’re born with— they’re something we decide or believe in, sometimes consciously and sometimes not. But, however they come to us, they must be unearthed, named, and worked through. After all, these limiting decisions or beliefs, especially when left unchecked, run our lives and prevent us from becoming who we wish to become, doing what we wish to do, and having what we wish to have.

In this episode, I discuss limiting beliefs and decisions and explain where and how you can start unearthing them. I describe how limiting beliefs and decisions impact our lives and prevent us from being where we want to be. I also outline some examples of obvious and subtle limiting beliefs and underscore “important” limiting beliefs and decisions that we need to focus our work on.

“We all have made a zillion limiting decisions; many don’t matter. The limiting beliefs or decisions that should concern us are the ones that prevent us from getting our goals and desires.” - Karen Goldfinger Baker

This week on the Trauma Hiders Club Podcast:

  • How limiting beliefs and decisions impact our lives
  • Subtle and obvious examples of limiting beliefs
  • The kinds of limiting beliefs we should focus on improving
  • How to unearth your limiting beliefs and decisions

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