Trauma Hiders Club Podcast

Trauma Hiders Club Podcast

Fear and Freedom

July 07, 2022

Around a year ago, before the Trauma Hiders Club Podcast launched, I felt like I was in between two worlds. The first world was one of fear; the other world was freedom. The in-between was a clammy, sweaty, dry-mouthed, going-through-the-motion, emotionally-disconnected space—basically, my system’s happy place. I thought, at that time, that one world was an inside game and the other an external affair. But a year and several intense and meaningful conversations with podcast guests later, I’ve learned so much about fear, freedom, and the world between them.

In this episode, I take a retrospective look at my year of hosting the Trauma Hiders Club Podcast. I describe the chaos-loving internal system I built for myself and discuss the worlds of fear and freedom. I also explain why freedom is an external—as much as it is an internal—game.

“Freedom is an inside and outside game. My way of being free is an invitation to you, the listener, to consider where you are trapped and where you are free.” - Karen Goldfinger Baker

This week on the Trauma Hiders Club Podcast:

  • What I learned from my first year with the Trauma Hiders Club Podcast
  • My internal, chaos-loving happy place
  • What my world of fear is scared of
  • Why freedom is both an internal and external matter

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Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of Trauma Hiders Club ‘The Podcast’ with Karen Goldfinger Baker. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a review wherever you get your podcasts.

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