Trauma Hiders Club Podcast

Trauma Hiders Club Podcast

A Letter to My Inner Childhood Warrior

October 14, 2021

Earlier this year, I did some inner child work with my extraordinary, hilarious, and generous coach, Nate Postlethwait. It was deep, dark, and confronting as much as it was uplifting, light, and joyful. And, at the end of our journey to meet the child within me, I wrote a letter to my younger self--that younger me, that fierce, 10-year-old warrior who took charge and fought.

In this episode, I share with you the letter I wrote to my inner childhood warrior.

“We are here in full view together, so strong, so loving, so loved. Show me what needs to be healed, even if there aren’t any words and only tears. You are here, I am here. You’re okay, I’m okay, and it’s okay.” - Karen Goldfinger Baker

This week on the Trauma Hiders Club Podcast:

  • My inner child work with Nate Postlethwait
  • A letter to my younger self

Resources Mentioned:

Where High Achievers Get Through Shit - TOGETHER

Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of Trauma Hiders Club ‘The Podcast’ with Karen Goldfinger Baker. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a review wherever you get your podcasts.

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