Trauma Hiders Club Podcast

Trauma Hiders Club Podcast

Make the Boundaries, Keep the Boundaries

August 19, 2021

If you’ve experienced trauma, there’s a high chance that keeping boundaries may be difficult for you. “Boundaries” might not even be in your vocabulary. But creating and maintaining boundaries are some of the ways you can honor your healing. Without boundaries, creepers will continue to invade your life and suck your energy so much that you might not have anything left for healing. As you work through your trauma, it’s important to remember the 9th rule of the Trauma Hiders Club: Make the Boundaries, Keep the Boundaries.

In this episode, I discuss the importance of keeping boundaries and explain why many trauma survivors find it difficult to make them. I share the different kinds of boundaries you can put up and describe how to create a boundary around a person who sucks the life out of you. I also discuss how not maintaining boundaries can aggravate your healing process and highlight the value of honoring your healing through creating boundaries.

“You’ve got to keep your boundaries. Otherwise, the creepers will continue to creep into your life, take all of your energy, and leave you nothing for healing.” - Karen Goldfinger Baker

This week on the Trauma Hiders Club Podcast:

  • The 9th Rule of the Trauma Hiders Club
  • Why creating boundaries can be difficult for trauma survivors
  • The role of creating and maintaining boundaries
  • Acknowledging the things that suck the life out of you
  • The different boundaries you can create

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