Trauma Hiders Club Podcast

Trauma Hiders Club Podcast

Exploring PTSD and Healing with Erik DaRosa

August 31, 2023

THC 125 - Exploring PTSD and Healing with Erik DaRosa

On this episode of Trauma Hiders Club my guest is Erik DaRosa. Erik, known by friends as “Yoda,” is the Founder and CEO of From Survivor to Thriver, a mental health advocate, speaker, author and Co-host of the popular From Survivor to Thriver podcast. Through his work and his own experience, Erik is upending the front-end of the mental health space and building a bridge between those who seek resources and those who provide both help and hope. Each week on his podcast, he tackles different mental health topics through honest and relatable "kitchen table" conversations with real people who are helping to shatter mental health stigmas and find their voices. He aims to normalize discussions around mental health topics and remind his audience they are not alone, there is strength in community and "it's perfectly ok to not always be ok.” He lives in Snowmass Village, Colorado.

On this episode of Trauma Hiders Club, Erik reflects on his own life and the many hidden aspects he concealed for a significant period of time. He shares his incredible journey of healing and self-discovery and opens up about his recent PTSD diagnosis. He discusses how it has changed his life in unexpected ways.

We discuss the importance of destigmatizing mental illness and the power of a supportive community. You’ll find out about the transformative trip to New York City to and experience with OCD. Erik's story is one of resilience, growth, and the pursuit of mental well-being.

“I thought I was broken. I thought I was fucked up. I thought I... I used to look around at all my friends, and I would think what's wrong with me? Everybody else is normal, and I've got these thoughts in my head that if anybody even found out about, they would call the police, I'd be locked up.” — Erik DaRosa

This Week on Trauma Hiders Club:

• Recognizing energy vampires and surround yourself with givers.

• Destigmatizing mental illness and build a supportive community.

• PTSD diagnosis bringing relief and hope.

•  Speaking up about mental health.

•  New York City: a place of healing and growth.

•  Combinng Western and Eastern medicine for holistic healing.

•  Releasing trauma through reiki and body awareness.

•  Finding healing through personal passions and activities.

•  Normalizing conversations about mental health for progress.


Listen to Erik’s Podcast ‘From Survivor to Thriver’ HERE

Read Erik’s article in ‘How Skiing Saved My Life’ HERE

Connect with Erik on LinkedIn HERE

Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of Trauma Hiders Club ‘The Podcast’ with Karen Goldfinger Baker. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a review wherever you get your podcasts.


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