Growing Your Dental Business Show

Growing Your Dental Business Show

Hypnosis - The Solution to Emotional Mastery

December 06, 2023

One of the most stressful occupations is that of being a dentist according to the National Institutes of Health and studies show that 25% of dentists struggle with anxiety and depression from the stress of the day-to-day in the dental practice. Leslie Thronton is an international coach for people seeking mental freedom from food, body, and weight. Leslie says that most of our anxiety and depression come from just 5% of our conscious mind. It’s the other 95% that we don’t pay attention to. Leslie talks about how hypnosis is the solution to emotional mastery. You really can re-program your mind when it comes to depression and anxiety or even the way you look at food. She says sometimes a one-time session can get you back on track to a happy successful mind. Leslie offers an ebook at or you can find her on her website at

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