Your Life and Money

Your Life and Money

#18 Journey to a Life-Centered Plan: Unveiling Tools for Financial Success

January 30, 2024

Welcome to "Your Life and Money," where financial planning goes beyond numbers and dives into the essence of your life. Join hosts Brad Smith and Tim Borody as they share inspiring stories of real people who have achieved their dreams through life-centered planning and valuable advice.

In this episode, Brad and Tim introduce powerful tools designed for 2024, focusing on retirement planning and investments. They emphasize the importance of aligning your money with your values and priorities for financial success. The hosts explore tools that evaluate your confidence in retirement plans, addressing risks, inflation, and the often-overlooked aspects of post-retirement life.

Key Topics:

  • Overview of life-centered planning
  • Introduction to new tools for 2024
  • Retirement planning and investment alignment
  • Evaluating confidence in retirement plans
  • Uncovering risks and addressing inflation
  • The significance of ongoing plan supervision
  • Utilizing tax strategies for financial success
  • The role of financial planning in lifestyle improvement
  • Encouraging engagement and regular plan reviews
  • Navigating the complexities of estate planning
  • Interview with client Tim on the benefits of financial planning
  • Achieving early retirement through a flexible financial plan
  • The three C's of financial planning: Clarity, Confidence, and Choice

Discover how life-centered planning and the introduced tools can provide clarity, boost confidence, and offer choices in your financial journey. Gain insights into retirement planning, investment alignment, and the benefits of early financial planning from a real client's perspective.

Tune in to "Your Life and Money" and embark on the journey to a life-centered plan that goes beyond numbers, creating a roadmap for financial success aligned with your unique values and priorities.
