In the ED Now

CSM Sneak Peek: Keep it Simple, Management of the Complex Patient in the ED
Rebekah Griffith, PT, DPT, NCS, FiT
Speaker Bio: Dr. Rebekah Griffith, The ED DPT, specializes in care in the Emergency Department. Dr. Griffith believes physical therapist practice in the Emergency Department is a critical way to move upstream in healthcare that supports patients during their most critical moments. Dr. Griffith has been an invited lecturer, course instructor, new researcher, & article contributor on this topic. She is the author of Top of Scope: The Emergency Department Physical Therapist Handbook. Additionally, she was instrumental in passing two motions within the APTA House of Delegates in support of Emergency Physical Therapist practice and was a founding member of the Emergency PT Steering Committee within the Academy of Acute Care. Dr. Griffith has spoken for the APTA Colorado on Management of the Older Adult in the ED, nationally at CSM on emergency PT practice for the Academy of Leadership & Innovation, and the Academy of Orthopedics about digital triage to reduce emergency presentations.
Jenna Segraves, PT, DPT, MS
Speaker Bio: Jenna Segraves is an Assistant Professor and a Board Certified Neurologic Clinical Specialist in Physical Therapy. She graduated with her Masters in Anatomy and Clinical Health Sciences from the University of Delaware in August of 2014 and her Doctor of Physical Therapy in December of 2014. Her clinical practice involves a wide variety of settings and populations including outpatient orthopedics, outpatient neurology, and acute care with a focus on neuro/trauma diagnoses, critical care, the emergency department, and inpatient obstetrics. Dr. Segraves is passionate about expanding physical therapy services to the emergency department to optimize patient function/safety and reduce overall hospital costs.
Mark Magdaleno PT, DPT
Speaker Bio: Mark graduated from Northern Arizona University in 2010 with a BS in Exercise Science and earned his DPT from Chapman University, in Southern California, May of 2013. He has worked his entire career in the hospital setting and prides himself in being a generalist. For 8 years, he has managed patients across the continuum of acute care, outpatient therapy, inpatient rehab, and emergency care. With a particular passion for the complex trauma patient population and emergency physical therapy, Mark is interested in practicing at the top of his scope and advancing physical therapy into a prominent role in primary care.
Episode Takeaways
- Physical therapists working in the emergency department play a pivotal role within the interdisciplinary team, whether it is establishing a safe and feasible discharge plan to avoid unnecessary imaging or work-up, or identifying red flags that may warrant further study or hospital admission.
- Use of a systematic framework prepares physical therapists as part of the multidisciplinary team to improve patient outcomes and reduce hospital costs.
- Best evidence regarding triage, differential diagnosis, psychosocial factors impacting care, and the unique challenges of the practice setting to equips participants to handle any complex case regardless of clinical specialty.
Presentation Details