Imagine Freedom

Latest Episodes
Episode 9: Evelyn Chumbow
In this episode, host Robin Hassler Thompson imagines freedom with Evelyn Chumbow, a survivor of child labor trafficking turned anti-trafficking activist and public speaker who has focused her lifes
Episode 8: Katie Papke, LMSW, CAADC, CCHTVSP
In this episode, host Robin Hassler Thompson imagines freedom with Katie Papke, LMSW, CAADC, CCHTVSP. Katie is a human trafficking survivor. She is a Licensed Master Social Worker, Certified Advanced
Episode 7: Hollie Nadel
In this episode host Robin Hassler Thompson imagines freedom with Hollie Nadel. Hollies perspectives and experiences are unique and important to ending human trafficking. They discuss how she trains
Episode 6: 2024 Imagine Freedom Event
Every year, STAC hosts an event called Imagine Freedom to recognize community leaders who have made a difference in the lives of people who have been sex and labor trafficked.
Episode 5: Jamie Rosseland
In this episode, we imagine freedom with Jamie Rosseland. Jamie is a lived-experience expert on the topic of human trafficking and she brings a wealth of knowledge, compassion and
Episode 4: Sameer Jain
In this episode, we Imagine Freedom with Sameer Jain. Sameer is a survivor of labor trafficking. He also is an immigrant who The Survive and Thrive Advocacy Center had the
Episode 3: Dr. Jacquelynn Hairston
In this episode, we imagine freedom with Dr. Jacquelynn Hairston, a public health consultant and human trafficking survivor with a PhD in public health education who is a passionate and
Episode 2: Christabelle Robinson
In this episode, host Robin Hassler Thompson speaks with Christabelle Robinson. Christabelle is the communications and media specialist for The Global Center on Human Trafficking, where she is involve
Episode 1: Liz Kimbel
In this episode, we imagine freedom with Liz Kimbel, program specialist and board member at the Restoring Ivy Collective. She is a survivor advocate with the Global Center on Human Trafficking at Mont