Find Flow

Find Flow

UpSkilling IT with Eveline Oehrlich of DevOps Institute

May 11, 2023

"Last year, it was human skills [as the top priority], followed by process skills, followed by technical skills. This year it's actually quite different. We have process skills, process framework skills such as DevOps, ITIL, SRE… with technical skills as the second priority, then human skills, then leadership skills." - Eveline Oehrlich

Eveline Oehrlich is a researcher and the Chief Research Officer at the DevOps Institute. With over 30 years of experience in the IT industry, Evelyn has dedicated her career to understanding the essential skill domains and helping professionals upskill to remain competitive in today's fast-paced digital world. Eveline is passionate about sharing insights and supporting organizations in adopting the right skills to ensure success in their IT projects.

In this episode of the Find Flow podcast, host Sean McDermott and guest Eveline Oehrlich discuss the importance of upskilling in the IT industry. They delve into the details of a recent report by Evelyn's firm, which focuses on the essential skill domains and the top must-have skills within these domains. The report also sheds light on the challenges that organizations face in upskilling their employees. With the current economic landscape, the conversation around upskilling is highly relevant for organizations looking to do more with their existing resources and slow down hiring.

"I find it important that people know how and where to upscale to be professionally and humanly ready for the future and for today." - Eveline Oehrlich

This Week on Find Flow:

Upskilling is crucial for IT professionals to stay competitive in today's rapidly changing digital landscape.

The skill domains focused on in the report include process/framework skills, technical skills, human skills, leadership skills, and automation skills.

In the recent report, the must-have skills are prioritized as process/framework skills, followed by technical, human, leadership, and automation skills.

Challenges around upskilling can be better understood and addressed through in-depth analysis of the must-have skills within each domain.

The DevOps Institute is now part of PeopleCert, the organization that owns ITIL and Prince2, enabling a stronger focus on process frameworks and certification.

Resources Mentioned:

Upskilling Report by the DevOps Institute

DevOps Institute




Dr. Carol Dweck

Find Your Flow in IT Operations

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