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Tackling Data Challenges at the Edge (and Beyond)

August 11, 2022

This week, we're talking with Shailesh Manjrekar from CloudFabrix about tackling the challenges of data management. As IT Ops teams struggle to manage the deluge of data from the cloud, there's a tsunami on the horizon: edge computing and the Internet of Things (IoT). As apps move to the edge, the data disconnect between DevOps (the people responsible for application performance) and ITOps (the people responsible for monitoring and observability) just keeps growing. So how do organizations bridge that gap, before it causes a critical business impact? Sean and Shailesh discuss three critical challenges to data utilization: - Proliferation of both VOLUME and TYPES of data - The critical skills shortage in data expertise - Missing, incomplete, and siloed data Experts estimate the edge will generate even more data than the cloud. So how are technology teams expected to keep up? Automated data enrichment capable of funneling the right data to the right people, and self-serve tools that enable non-Data Scientists to build-their-own contextual dashboards. CloudFabrix is doing some exciting things in this arena, so be sure to check out this intriguing, future-facing discussion.