Gone Phishing

Gone Phishing

Bridging the gap between security teams and end users (with Adam Walter)

June 12, 2024

On today's episode, Connor Swalm (CEO - Phin Security) dives deep into the concept of engaging with end users in the realm of cybersecurity with Adam Walter (Founder/President of HumanizeIT)

The discussion covers a wide range of topics from defining who end users are to the importance of empathy and effective communication in security practices. 

Tune in to understand how striking the right balance between security and convenience can make all the difference.


1. Anyone who interacts with your system, from employees to vendors, can be considered an end user 

2. Engineers and security professionals are also end users and should be treated as such to ensure comprehensive security 

3. Empathy is the key to effective security, as understanding and addressing the needs and frustrations of end users can lead to better security solutions 

4. Communicating complex security concepts in simple terms can help bridge the gap between security teams and other stakeholders 

Connect with Adam on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/adamswalter/

Website: humanizeit.biz/

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/humanizeit/

Connect with Connor Swalm on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/connor-swalm/

Phin Securities Website: phinsec.io/