The Clinical Consult

The Clinical Consult

Latest Episodes

Dr. Torna Li on Mindfulness With Our Clients and Colleagues
January 17, 2024

Dr. Torna Lipsychologist and a clinical director for CHE Behavioral Health Servicesprovides a background on mindfulness, explains how to use mindfulness in therapy with clients, and leads a brief mi

Véronique van der Kleij on Working With Children and International Psychology
December 19, 2023

Vronique van der Kleija child and adolescent psychologist in private practice in The Haguediscusses parenting approaches in the Netherlands and how this relates to working across cultures in the pr

Dr. Lauren Welter on the Treatment Needs of Rural America
November 16, 2023

Dr. Lauren Welterlicensed psychologist and owner of Prairie Home Wellness and Counselingdiscusses the mental health needs of individuals who live in rural areas. Specifically, Dr. Welter talks throu

Dr. Wendy Rasmussen on Careers in Tech, Personalized Therapy, and the Future of Practice
October 19, 2023

Dr. Wendy Rasmussenlicensed psychologist and Director of Clinical Strategy at SonderMinddiscusses how technology can help clinicians provide personalized care to clients and how ongoing changes in t

Michael Fulwiler on the Financial State of Private Practice
September 14, 2023

Michael FulwilerDirector of Brand at Hearddiscusses some financial considerations for therapists in private practice according to an online survey conducted by Heard. This discussion will not provid

Drs. Mary Fernandes and Quincy Guinadi on The Costs of Doctoral Education and Solutions for the Future
August 17, 2023

Drs. Mary Fernandes and Quincy Guinadi discuss how the costs of doctoral educationincluding the costs beyond tuitionlimit the accessibility of attaining a doctoral degree in psychology and therefore

Dr. Rachel Kramer on the Treatment of Atypical Anorexia Nervosa
July 17, 2023

Dr. Rachel Kramerclinical psychologist and Assistant Professor at the University of California, San Franciscodiscusses considerations for evaluating patients for a potential eating disorder and emph

Dr. Markus Brauer on the Challenges of Mandatory Diversity Training and Need for Diversity Science
June 12, 2023

Dr. Markus Brauerprofessor and executive director of the Institute for Diversity Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madisondefines diversity science and describes how this field aims to increase

Dr. Alfonso Mercado on Clinical Implications of Family Separations
May 16, 2023

Dr. Alfonso Mercadoa licensed psychologist and Associate Professor at the University of Texas-Rio Grande Valleydiscusses the mental health impacts and implications of policies of family separation.

Dr. Ryan C.T. DeLapp on Evidence-Based Skills for Addressing Racial Stress
April 13, 2023

Dr. Ryan C.T. DeLapplicensed psychologist and director of the Racial, Ethnic, And Cultural Healing program at The Ross Centerdiscusses how clinicians can address racial stress in youth of color thro