Event Matters

Event Matters

Episode 02: Building BIG Thinkers in the Building Trades

June 19, 2023

Home Building as a trade is in chaos in America. With 250,000 unfilled jobs, rapidly evolving technologies, and decreasing numbers of builders serving the need, the Home Builders Institute set out to address these complex challenges.

On this episode of Event Matters, we explore how HBI's BuildYOU! program creates a unique experience for learners in the building trades as they explore their Systems Thinking capabilities and the resulting entrepreneurial spirit, creative thinking, and innovative problem-solving.

Our special guests, Bethany Shean of HBI and Nate Minium of the Lycoming Career & Technology Center, join our LIVE audience in the MYNDDSET Poditorium.

Learn more about HBI at HBI.org and the LCTC at https://www.lycoctc.org/