Decades of Design

Episode 1: Introduction FAMILY
Hi, I’m Roseanna Ansaldi, designer, patternmaker, leather specialist, business owner and entrepreneur. Welcome to Decades of Design, a podcast series that delves 40 plus years into my notable design career. This episode is an overview of my pre-design life, how I grew up in a close Italian family with traditions and talents that were passed down from gifted artisans, and how I incorporated all of it into my love for fashion and music. Follow me as I go from learning the delicate technique of embroidery to honing the sturdy skills of leather craft and design. You will hear my story and how I acquired my cherished inheritance that’s been a touchstone throughout my career. Listen as my journey begins from the not so graceful Boston Ballets’ renowned “Swan Lake” experience to the captivating rattle and twang of Aerosmith’s iconic “Sweet Emotion” that would start my career path onto a lifetime of amazing adventures.