One Fry Short

Ep. 22- Jamie's OCD Story
At the end of February, Jamie started therapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
In this episode, we talk about Jamie's experience with ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) therapy and…
- The difference between generalized anxiety and OCD
- The “label” of OCD and how it makes me feel
- Different modalities of therapy and how very different they can be
- The huge misconceptions our society has about what OCD “looks like”
"Recording this episode was a huge triumph for me. It is one large “exposure” — sharing my story that I was so deeply ashamed of for many years. My fear is that you’ll think I’m a crazy, dramatic, hypochondriac. And you might! That is your business. But my hope… is that you won’t."
With love and uncertainty,
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We are not medical professionals, so, as always, please consult with your doctor regarding your medical needs.