One Fry Short

One Fry Short

Ep. 22- Jamie's OCD Story

May 26, 2023

At the end of February, Jamie started therapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

In this episode, we talk about Jamie's experience with ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) therapy and…

  1. The difference between generalized anxiety and OCD
  2. The “label” of OCD and how it makes me feel
  3. Different modalities of therapy and how very different they can be
  4. The huge misconceptions our society has about what OCD “looks like”

"Recording this episode was a huge triumph for me. It is one large “exposure” — sharing my story that I was so deeply ashamed of for many years. My fear is that you’ll think I’m a crazy, dramatic, hypochondriac. And you might! That is your business. But my hope… is that you won’t."

With love and uncertainty,


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We are not medical professionals, so, as always, please consult with your doctor regarding your medical needs.