One Fry Short

One Fry Short

Ep. 17 - Laughing Her Way Through Grief. How Gloria White used comedy to cope with the death of her mother.

March 17, 2023

From experience, we know that talking about our struggles helps us realize we aren’t alone in them. We’ve opened up the door to the conversation about mental health and thanks to the courage of Gloria White, she’s opening up the door to talk about grief. 

In this episode we talk about:

*How grieving the loss of someone can occur even before they die.

*How to offer support & love to someone going through a loss.

*The power of laughter as the best medicine.

*There's no right way to grieve or timeline for it to be over.

Check out our substack for more on grief & our IG for (funny!) mental health jokes.

A big thanks to Gloria for courageously sharing her story. Here's her IG (she's one of our favorite follows) to keep up to date on her latest stand-up.

As always, sending you a big hug. <3