One Fry Short

One Fry Short

Ep. 12 - Navigating Postpartum Anxiety and Tips for How To Recover With Guest Christina McPhillips.

January 20, 2023

Postpartum anxiety is like regular anxiety on steroids. Like heavy duty, Arnold Schwarzenegger-style steroids. It’s scary, lonely, and exhausting… and sometimes the tools for overcoming it seem laughable when you have a newborn… “get more sleep!” “make sure you find time for self-care!”

In this week’s episode, I (Rachel) interview my friend and neighbor, Christina McPhillips, about her experience with postpartum anxiety. It’s raw and can be triggering for those currently in the throes of it. We discuss resources in the episode and I’m listing and linking a few below for easy access.

The ethos of our podcast is YOU’RE NOT ALONE. You’re not alone in having these thoughts and it doesn’t have to be this way. It also doesn’t make you a bad mom or partner by seeking help. Actually, it’s quite the opposite.

If you’re experiencing suicidal thoughts, please call or text the free & anonymous crisis helpline at 988.

As a first step, we recommend reaching out to your primary care physicinan, OBGYN or Therapist and sharing your symptoms & thoughts.

If you're looking for a therapist, we suggest to find a therapist who fits your needs in your area.

Take gentle care of yourself.