The Hard Truth with Tony Shaffer

The Hard Truth with Tony Shaffer

Latest Episodes

A Closer Look at the Fall of the Twin Towers on Sept 11, 2001
September 11, 2023

The Hard Truth with Tony Shaffer LTC Tony Shaffer and Co-Host Tonya Miller lead a special panel discussion for a deep dive into the fall of the Twin Towers after the terrorist attacks of September 1

The Hard Truth About the New COVID Scare With Dr. Hatfill
September 04, 2023

The Hard Truth with Tony Shaffer Mask mandates are back at some institutions, a new COVID vaccine is coming, and SURPRISE the Biden Administration is encouraging you to take it without question

The Hard Truth About Making School Safer With Wayne Black
August 22, 2023

The Hard Truth with Tony Shaffer Wayne Black, former Personal Security Detail leader for former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Founder of Wayne Black & Associates and author of School Insecurity

What Happened on September 11th, 2001, With Richard Gage
August 14, 2023

The Hard Truth with Tony Shaffer San Francisco Bay area architect Richard Gage, AIA, member of the American Institute of Architects and founder & former CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth,

Our Unbalanced Justice System With Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch
August 07, 2023

The Hard Truth with Tony Shaffer Recently, the Biden Department of Justice not only tried to weasel out of prosecuting Hunter Biden over various crimes, but the administration also attempted to work

Why We Need Some Levity Amid a Tumultuous Time
July 31, 2023

The Hard Truth with Tony Shaffer Andrew from Don't Walk, Run Productions offers some good commentary mixed with comedy on his YouTube channel and joins Tony Shaffer on The Hard Truth to bring it on.

Political Discourse and Propaganda With Buck Sexton
July 24, 2023

The Hard Truth with Tony Shaffer Syndicated Radio Host Buck Sexton joins LTC Tony Shaffer on The Hard Truth as they take a deep dive into how government officials constantly use propaganda and outri

American Exceptionalism Is Paramount to Our Nation’s Survival
July 17, 2023

The Hard Truth with Tony Shaffer In todays society, where mediocrity is celebrated, and achievement is minimized, the term American Exceptionalism has become a taboo word among mainstream politic

The Hard Truth About Holding the Government Accountable
July 10, 2023

The Hard Truth with Tony Shaffer Throughout much of Americas history, the great statesmen of our country came from the ranks of the people. Leaders were formed through experiences and will. As Pres

The Hard Truth About the Coming Economic Crash
July 03, 2023

The Hard Truth with Tony Shaffer The US economy is failing thanks to what the current president proudly refers to as Bidenomics, the global de-dollarization is in progress, and our guest this week