Kathy Sullivan Explores

Kathy Sullivan Explores

Celestial Visions

June 29, 2023


You’ve probably heard or read something about the “new space age” unfolding around us. While this new era of space exploration is raising important questions—like who sets the rules and who owns what—it’s also inspiring grand visions of the future. I don’t have a crystal ball or some super secret source of insider intelligence, but it’s clear that two grand visions are strongly influencing a lot of the enterprises involved in the new space age: one of preserving humanity and the world, and one of escaping it all.


In this episode, I explore two of the leading visions emerging at the dawn of the new space age. You’ll hear about Jeff Bezos’ purpose for Blue Origin and his plan to build space stations where people can live and work. I share Elon Musk’s mission to colonize Mars and discuss what “lifeboat syndrome” is. You’ll also learn how the work of philanthropists started aviation and spaceflight and gain insight into the role of ordinary people like you and me in the future of the new space age.


“Where it all goes from here will be up to people like you and me and the kids and grandkids of our lives. They will inherit the lessons and building blocks from these initial lessons and have the opportunity to write an exciting new chapter in spaceflight and the future of humanity and our planet.” - Kathy Sullivan


This week on Kathy Sullivan Explores:


●     The dawn of the new space age

●     Jeff Bezos and Blue Origin’s vision for the future of outer space

●     Elon Musk and his plans to colonize Mars

●     The lifeboat syndrome

●     How philanthropy drove the inception of aviation and spaceflight


Resources Mentioned:


●     Book: The High Frontier: Human Colonies In Space by Gerard K. O'Neill


Our Favorite Quotes:


●     “Stephen Hawking famously once said that humanity will not endure another thousand years unless it becomes a multi-planet species.” - Kathy Sullivan

●     “It was the vision and private capital of philanthropists like Samuel Langley and Robert Goddard and the people they could draw to their cause that allowed everyone to envision what aviation and spaceflight could become.” - Kathy Sullivan


Related Episode:


●     108 | The New Wild West


Spaceship Not Required


I’m Kathy Sullivan, the only person to have walked in space and gone to the deepest point in the ocean.


I’m an explorer, and that doesn’t always have to involve going to some remote or exotic place. It simply requires a commitment to put curiosity into action.


In this podcast, you can explore, reflecting on lessons learned from life so far and from my brilliant and ever-inquisitive guests. We explore together in this very moment from right where you are--spaceship not required.


Welcome to Kathy Sullivan Explores.


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