The National Security Hour

The National Security Hour

Latest Episodes

Democrat Lawfare and its targets: Hoffa, Nixon, and now Trump
June 18, 2024

The National Security Hour with Col. Mike and Dr. Mike There appears to be something of a Get Trump Squad reminiscent of teams of Democratic legal crusaders who conducted and won the Hoffa and Nix

Innovations from the Middle East battlefield
June 15, 2024

The National Security Hour with LTC Sargis Sangari USA (Ret.) In this episode, Alfred Johnson, NEC-SE's Director of Research, joins me to explore the effects of the Gaza conflict on the American hom

The Communist infiltration in the 1980s to the current chaos threatening America
June 13, 2024

The National Security Hour with Col. John Mills Ret. The Communist infiltration from the 1980s to today's chaos threatens America. Bill Casey recruits J. Michael Waller, who becomes a key figure in

Foreign armies on America’s open borders and our brainwashed students will spark the Revolution from within!
June 12, 2024

The National Security Hour with Edward Haugland In this piece, I reveal how the radical left exploits our education system to indoctrinate America's youth, setting the stage for an insurrection. By

Real threats to America’s survival revealed
June 11, 2024

The National Security Hour with Col. Mike and Dr. Mike We reveal the deadly globalist agenda of Biden's government, exposing climate fraud, killer vaccines, and false pandemics. We discuss Bill Gate

How the WHO pandemic treaty is similar to tactics used by organized crime
June 08, 2024

The National Security Hour with LTC Sargis Sangari USA (Ret.) Discover how the WHO Pandemic Treaty mirrors tactics used by organized crime. Explore insights from the National Security Hour with LTC

History forgotten is hell revisited
June 07, 2024

The National Security Hour with Edward Haugland Moving from the free (the West) into the Soviet bloc (the East) was like moving from a world of color and vibrance, music and engagement to a world of

A professor on the front line of freedom for America
June 06, 2024

The National Security Hour with Col. John Mills Ret. Professor Stanley Ridgley stands on the front line of defending academic freedom in America. With a distinguished career in the US Army and acade

Election 2024: Preventing judicial suicide
June 06, 2024

The National Security Hour with Edward Haugland In the 2024 elections, the radical left's legal maneuvers threaten our Republic. They exploit the judicial system to subvert fair elections and underm

Is America’s decline reversible? Dr. Bradley thinks so
June 04, 2024

The National Security Hour with Col. Mike and Dr. Mike In this episode, we speak with Dr. Anne Bradley about America's accelerating decline. Dr. Bradley, an economist and faith advocate, discusses t