The National Security Hour

The National Security Hour

Latest Episodes

Linear reductionist frameworks’ effects on US Complex Operations
June 01, 2024

The National Security Hour with LTC Sargis Sangari USA (Ret.) Dr. Crisanna Shackelford critiques the inefficacy of linear, reductionist frameworks in complex operations. Highlighting the nuances of

The out-of-control welfare state
May 29, 2024

The National Security Hour with Edward Haugland Dr. Franco Musio and I discuss the ongoing fraud within the US welfare state, highlighting the government's role in creating a dependency culture. We

Memorial Day is not meant to be a happy holiday
May 28, 2024

The National Security Hour with Col. Mike and Dr. Mike Memorial Day is meant to be a somber occasion, yet our society increasingly treats it like a celebratory holiday. Educational failures and comm

The impact on Israel-Iran relations after death of Iranian President
May 25, 2024

The National Security Hour with LTC Sargis Sangari USA (Ret.) I interview Bradley Martin from the Near East Center for Strategic Studies. We explore the implications of Ireland, Spain, and Norway's

A world in crises: The national security team roundtable
May 24, 2024

The National Security Hour Join our National Security Hour team as we delve into the world's crises, from Israel and Hamas to Russia and Ukraine. Our expert panel offers provocative viewpoints on th

America is under attack in a cognitive war and losing badly!
May 23, 2024

The National Security Hour with Edward Haugland America is under attack from within and globally. Our Constitution, military, and freedoms are being subverted by radical leftists. This ongoing Cogni

Will the Republic survive its own ‘axis of evil’
May 21, 2024

The National Security Hour with Col. Mike and Dr. Mike In this episode, we dive into the critical state of American politics, examining the Constitution's role in addressing a failing government. We

The U.S. should have looked more closely at China’s tech and geopolitical strategies
May 18, 2024

The National Security Hour with LTC Sargis Sangari USA (Ret.) I interview Don Ulsch, an expert on China's technological and geopolitical strategies. We discuss the Chinese Communist Party's influenc

Nolan Chang’s mission to make Hawaii great again
May 16, 2024

The National Security Hour with Col. John Mills Ret. Nolan Chang, a retired U.S. Navy shipyard veteran, is now a National Committeeman in the Republican Party. He aims to tackle Hawaii's population

Reality check! Freedom isn’t free for the woke generation
May 15, 2024

The National Security Hour with Edward Haugland Our younger generations, coddled and unchallenged, take freedom for granted. They will learn the hard way that freedom isnt free. I explore issues fr