The National Security Hour

The National Security Hour

Latest Episodes

The Republic of Blue Scare
December 12, 2023

The National Security Hour with Col. Mike and Dr. Mike Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin clearly is nuts or demented or both, and, just as clearly, is an enemy of the U.S. Constitution, as is Biden, an

Lessons From Pearl Harbor for the Next US Global War
December 09, 2023

The National Security Hour with LTC Sargis Sangari USA (Ret.) In this episode, I'm joined by Alfred Johnson, CEO of NEC-SE, and our Director of Research for Southeast Asia and Japan. We delve into t

The Return To Judeo-Christian Values Like Family and Self-Reliance
December 07, 2023

The National Security Hour with Col. John Mills Ret. I explore the interplay between economic security and national security, emphasizing the need for America to return to its founding principles. I

Why Hamas Won – A Case Study in Cognitive War
December 06, 2023

The National Security Hour with Edward Haugland Haugland maintains that the free worlds myopic view allows our adversaries to continually outmaneuver us over several decades. While we may win short

Taxation Feeds the Trojan Horses
December 05, 2023

The National Security Hour with Col. Mike and Dr. Mike Bipartisan, of course, simply means that all members of the Senate and House get equal payments from the arms makers. It has nothing to do with

The American Constitutional Republic Is at Great Risk of Collapsing to Globalism and China
November 30, 2023

The National Security Hour with Col. John Mills Ret. Yes, America is a growing, diverse society, but Americas Constitution came from and could only be created by Judeo-Christian values. Without the

Should America Keep Celebrating Thanksgiving?
November 28, 2023

The National Security Hour with Col. Mike and Dr. Mike In this week's episode, Colonel Mike and Dr. Mike delve into the escalating issue of wokism and examine Israel's influence on the US, specifica

The 196 Parties Ruler and the WHO
November 25, 2023

The National Security Hour with LTC Sargis Sangari USA (Ret.) In this episode, I'm joined by James Roguski to explore the intricate history and potential changes to the International Health Regulati

From Lebanon to America: Lady Brigitte Gabriel
November 23, 2023

The National Security Hour with Col. John Mills Ret. I explore the journey of Lady Brigitte Gabriel from a humble beginning in Southern Lebanon to becoming a leading figure in America. Delving into

Building a Maritime Renaissance for America
November 22, 2023

The National Security Hour with Col. John Mills Ret. Exploring the current state of America's maritime industry, I delve into the challenges and potential for revival. With insights into global ship