The National Security Hour

The National Security Hour

Latest Episodes

The FBI is a political tool – it didn’t used to be that way
April 11, 2024

The National Security Hour with Col. John Mills Ret. As a retired FBI Assistant Director, Thomas Fuentes witnessed the agency's transformation into a political tool. Reflecting on his years tackling

The indoctrination of our intelligence, military, and national security professionals
April 11, 2024

The National Security Hour with Edward Haugland I delve into the ongoing Cognitive War, highlighting the global and domestic threats from adversaries seeking to subvert our freedoms. Emphasizing the

Israel is testing the loyalty of its friends
April 09, 2024

The National Security Hour with Col. Mike and Dr. Mike The attack on Irans consulate in Damascus, Syria, was an action that shocked the world as diplomatic facilities are regarded as essential to a

Public comments for Office of Global Affairs and the WHO ‘Pandemic Treaty’
April 06, 2024

The National Security Hour with LTC Sargis Sangari USA (Ret.) We look at how the W.H.O. "Pandemic Treaty" is similar to the tactics used by Organized Crime to establish a system to develop a power b

China Joe rides the Red Dragon to America’s Destruction
April 05, 2024

The National Security Hour We delve into the complex relationship between Jerry Denton and John McCain, explore the contentious political landscape, and scrutinize China's global maneuvers, includin

Craig Sawyer: From SEAL to fighting child trafficking
April 04, 2024

The National Security Hour with Col. John Mills Ret. Craig Sawyer's journey unfolds from his upbringing in South Texas to his remarkable career evolution. From serving in elite military units to con

Risking life for liberty! The untold story of Dr. Yan’s flight to freedom
April 04, 2024

The National Security Hour with Edward Haugland Dr. Yan lost not only her job but also her family, her home, and her life having to flee to America to find and start it all new again. We discuss t

From a bridge to an eclipse to attacking Christianity, to hating Americans and war
April 02, 2024

The National Security Hour with Col. Mike and Dr. Mike The Bridge in Baltimore is another stunner. Was it an attack or an accident? Who built the bridge, capable construction companies or the guys w

The next stage of the Israel-Hamas and PIJ war
March 30, 2024

The National Security Hour with LTC Sargis Sangari USA (Ret.) In this episode, Robert Schwartz and I delve into the ongoing Israel-Hamas and PIJ war, exploring the battlefield dynamics, political an

America Beware: South African Redux
March 29, 2024

The National Security Hour with Edward Haugland & Mary Fanning Edward Haugland and Mary Fanning host Brendi Wells, sharing her harrowing journey from the violence of South Africa to seeking sanctuar