Dollar$ and Sen$e with Clinch-Powell

Episode Thirteen: Keeping TN Beautiful is everyone's responsibility
In this episode, Stace and Rebecca had a great chat with Missy Marshall, Executive Director of Keep TN Beautiful (KTnB) while one of the KTnB Board members, Jeannie Henry, was off camera. We learned that Keep TN Beautiful is focused on keeping our wonderful state beautiful by reducing the amount of trash that shows up on our roads, in our communities and water systems by using the Three Es: education, engagement and enforcement. There are some great things happening in communities throughout the state from TrasherCize in Leiper's Fork to The Litter Chicks in Mountain City.
Keep TN Beautiful is celebrated their 40-year anniversary with a Keep TN Beautiful Luncheon on September 27th and 28th in Chattanooga, TN. To learn more about their work, visit their website at and remember that November is considered No Trash November so put your trash in the proper receptacles and do your part to keep Tennessee beautiful and protect our greatest natural resource...nature!