Woof You! Podcast

#13: Barking Up The Right Tree with Julia Hawkins and Barbara Paterson
Julia Hawkins and Barbara Paterson are the brains and beauty behind the Barking Up the Right Tree Festival 2024
Dr. Barbara Paterson is a professional dog trainer and specializes in dog sports foundations and reactivity. She is based in Namibia.
Julia Hawkins is a dog trainer and behaviourist based in Cheshire in the UK. Julia has also been a guest on this podcast a couple of times. Having known her for a few years now, it did not surprise me in the slightest when she shared with me her and Barbara’s idea to spread the joy and knowledge FREE OF CHARGE, AND FOREVER, with everyone!
Barking Up The Right Tree
How does FREE access to an absolute treasure trove of resources designed especially for owners of reactive dogs sound?
From nutrition advice to mindset through to expert dog training and even veterinary advice… you can tap into all of it for not. one. penny. (Yes, it’s free).
I’m just one of a whopping 34 incredible experts who Barking Up The Right Tree have brought together to help reactive dogs and their humans ALL. OVER. THE. WORLD.
It’s a virtual event that you can access from your inbox, so you can watch wherever you are and tap into a wealth of unseen sessions that I know will blow your mind.
>>> Sign up and save your free place here: https://barking-up-the-right-tree.newzenler.com/f/summit-24
Barbara Paterson and Julia Hawkins of Barking Up The Right Tree have gathered an astounding line up of expert dog geeks for you.
But perhaps most importantly, you should know this.
They have done something very different with this…. It’s fun. It’s simple. It makes the hard stuff make sense.
And if that hasn’t got you frantically searching for the sign up link, just take a look at the line up…
Zak George, Susan Garrett, Ian Dunbar, Michael Shikashio, Grisha Stewart Kim Brophey, Robyn Hood, Andrew Hale, Dr Edward Bassingthwaite, Kamal Fernandez, Linda Michaels, Dr Isla Fishburn, Julia Robertson, Anushree Thammanna, Hélène Lawler, Stephanie Zikmann, Deb Bauer, Clair Hickson, Tracey McLennan, Laura Maulbetsch, Team R+ Gundogs, Sowjanya Vijaynagnar, Tom Candy, Niki French, Victoria Shepherd, Emma Parsons, Cathy Slot, Jess Adams, Alexa Capra, Meghan Barrett, Janet Finlay, and your hosts Dr Barbara Paterson and Julia Hawkins
The sign up link again for you >>>
Please feel free to share with anyone you think could use some motivation and inspiration this winter. See you there!
Soka Gakkai
The Soka Gakkai is a global community-based Buddhist organization that promotes peace, culture and education centered on respect for the dignity of life.
Find out more at: https://www.sokaglobal.org/ and https://sgi-uk.org