The Default of Democracy

The Default of Democracy

Episode 7 – GOP Debate, the state removes Harris County’s election administrator, Tony Buzbee runs for council, HISD’s state-controlled boss brings recess back, More reasons to vote.

August 24, 2023

So there was a GOP debate. But aren’t you more concerned with the water coming out of your tap than that? (Did you hear about watering restrictions this week? That’s a thing.) The state successfully outlawed Harris County from having an elections administrator (but other counties can have them because they’re not Harris County, apparently). If you think they are doing this because it might suppress voter turnout in Harris County, you’re probably right, which is why it’s more important than ever to resolve to vote no matter what. We’re about 90 days away from city elections, which means now is the time to learn about who is running and think about who you want to run your city since those are the people who make sure your water flows (most of the time) or picks up your trash (sometimes). Tony Buzbee has taken a break from defending impeached Attorney General Ken Paxton to say he is running for city council in a district that has much higher turnout than say, Third Ward or Acres Homes. How might his presence on the ballot shift the mayor’s race? And how do we get all of the council districts to vote as heavily as district G does? Over in HISD, our state-appointed superintendent can now spend a million bucks without asking permission, but at least he’s bringing recess back. As always, if some of these things really bug you, the answer is to vote. Here at the Default of Democracy, we’re here to learn about local elections so you and everyone you know can go vote for the people you think will help you and your neighborhood.