The Default of Democracy

Latest Episodes
Season 3 Episode 1 – January’s Shock & Awe
Trump takes office and immediately starts trying to break the government. In Texas, the state legislature gets started the house fighting with itself and the Senate rolling out a school voucher plan. We dont take sides here on this podcast, but we do h
Episode 18 – Season 2 2024 In Review
The year that was. We hoped that people would come out and vote, and well you kinda know how this movie ends, right? We discuss that and whats to come in 2025 with the Texas Legislature.
Episode 17 – Welcome To Bro World
The election was probably decided more by who didnt go to the polls, as opposed to who did. Was that a feature or a bug? Turnout in Harris County was historically low. We discuss who came to vote and what comes next.
Episode 16 – 2024 Presidential Race
Early voting starts in Texas on October 21. Make a plan to vote, and vote all the way down the ballot. In addition to the race for President, Texas has a Senate race thats going all the way down to the wire, plus theres lots of judicial races, bond issu
Episode 15 – Welcome Back!
Well, we didnt plan to take the summer off, but Houston is going to be Houston. Nancy and Christion survived the hurricane, derecho, and the subsequent power outages and were back for the fall. So, nothing has really changed, right? (ha ha ha) We only h
Episode 14 – Surprise! It’s Almost Election Day!
Did you know that next month you will be electing board members to the Harris County Appraisal District? Dont feel bad, we almost missed this one, too. But this is the board that sets your property taxes, so whether you own or rent, you have a stake in t
Episode 13 – Post-Primary Wrapup
Nancy and Christion break down what happened on primary night in Texas: an incumbent DA loses in a landslide, but an incumbent Congresswoman cruises to victory. Yet turnout was anemic. How do we turn out the vote?
Episode 12 – Welcome To 2024
Were back after a little COVID hiatus and ready to break down the upcoming election year. How do you get excited about voting when youre not excited about the top of the ticket? Well, the Texas primary is coming in March, and thanks to gerrymandering th
Episode 11 – 2023 Wrapup
We end the year with a new mayor, a more diverse city council and yet another election on the horizon. The primary is merely a few months away, and thanks to the gerrymandering in our fair state, these are the only really competitive races. Abbott is ou
Episode 10 – Houston, We Have A Runoff
Forgive us for using a hack phrase, but we have a runoff election on Saturday December 9th, with Sheila Jackson-Lee and John Whitmire squaring off in the mayors race and a handful of council districts and at large seats at stake. Meanwhile, this election