What Does The Bible Say About...? with Jim Putman

What Does The Bible Say About...? with Jim Putman

What Does The Bible Say About Interpreting Scripture?

April 13, 2023

Jim Putman, Lead Pastor at Real Life Ministries and Lance Wigton, Communications Director at Real Life Ministries are back with a new episode of the podcast. This week they are talking about how to read and interpret Scripture following a set of principles and questions. We need to be equipped to read the Bible and understand how it applies to us and our lives, along with going deeper in relationship with and knowledge of God. These tips and tools will help us do that!

2 Timothy 2:15 (NIV) — 15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.


1.   Literal principle – what does it say in context?

2.   Grammatical principle –what does it say in its original language?

3.   Synthesis principle –scripture interprets scripture –what does scripture say on the subject as a whole?

4.   Historical principle –what historical nuances are there that helps us understand what is happening and how to understand what is being said?

·     The geography, political structure, cultural issues of the time?

·     How did the early church understand what was being said and apply it to their lives?

5.   Practical principle –how do I put what I have learned into practice?

6.   Illumination principle –asking the Holy Spirit to help you apply scripture in your life –His direction and power

Questions to ask yourself

Prayer –Lord I submit to your Word – I put down my views and help me to receive from this what you intend for me

1.   Who – who is speaking and who is the writer speaking to?

2.   Why –why is he writing –what is the situation? –read in context

3.   When –when this is written –what language are they using –are there differences in the language from English?

4.   Where –where else in the scriptures is this issue dealt with? Other texts on the subject that brings clarity

5.   What did the first church understand it to mean and how did they put it into practice?

6.   Now—what do I do with this today in my life?


Prayer—Lord help me to do what you have asked me to do in your Word.

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