What Does The Bible Say About...? with Jim Putman
What Does The Bible Say About Truth?
In this episode of our podcast, Jim Putman, Senior Pastor at Real Life Ministries, and Santha Yinger, Mental Health and Wellness Lead at Real Life Ministries, come together to delve into the profound meaning behind Jesus' declaration of being The Way, The Truth, and The Life. They explore the significance of Jesus being the embodiment of truth and discuss the sources we typically turn to for discovering truth.
It is crucial to give careful thought to our mental health management. Our brains are designed for efficiency and form neural connections based on our recurring thoughts, regardless of their accuracy. These thought patterns gradually shape our habits and affect every aspect of our existence.
Jesus offers us life unlike anything else can promise; everything else falls short in terms of authenticity. When we build our lives around society's version of truth or succumb to Satan's deceitful narratives, it only leads us away from true fulfillment.
Through Jesus, we not only obtain eternal life but also experience a vibrant existence here on earth—a life that is truly abundant and deeply satisfying. According to the Scriptures, Jesus upholds the world; consequently, he possesses the authority to define what constitutes truth. As he boldly proclaims himself as "the truth," he ought to serve as our ultimate reality—the guiding force in our lives.
To find video episodes of this podcast go to our website at: https://realliferesources.org/what-does-the-bible-say-about-podcast-with-jim-putman/