Murder on the Couch

Murder on the Couch

Murderer Escapes Prison: Danilo Cavalcante *ON CAMERA*

September 29, 2023

Just last month, on August 31, 2023, Danilo Cavalcante escaped the Chester County Prison in Pennsylvania after being charged with the first-degree murder of his ex-girlfriend using a butterknife. An interview with his mother about his childhood and word on the streets allege that this may not be his only murder as he allegedly came to America to escape Brazilian law. 

Today, we’ll discuss his alleged crimes, childhood, escape from prison, two chaotic weeks on the run (with so many creepy sightings), and finally, his recapturing on September 14th, with input from Sydney Overbay, CD (college dropout) and her father Tony Overbay, LMFT, a licensed marriage and family therapist. 

Sending love and positivity to the families and friends of the victims and anyone who was hurt or affected by Danilo’s crimes. 

You can watch this episode on YouTube at


Crab Walk CCTV Footage:

Mother's Interview: 

Deborah's Sister Sarah's Interview: