Imperfect Heart

Imperfect Heart

Episode 7: Journeys 1 – Dr. Linda Cunningham Discovers the Source of Her Pain

May 09, 2023

Welcome to the first episode of Imperfect Heart “Journeys”, a monthly publication that will release on alternate weeks with our complete stories of those who have been unroofed.

“Journeys” will be stories of Myocardial Bridge patients navigating their way to surgery and the process, procedures, diagnosis and actions they’re experiencing to get to the unroofing of their bridges. Dr. Linda Cunningham is my first “Journeys” guest and I couldn’t be more excited as she’s also the first MD we’ve spoken to with an MB. This is about as good as it gets when we have a Doctor on board to share her story and where she is in her journey to unroofing. She knows the language and adds credibility to the fact that our symptoms are real. As we know from so many other stories, there’s a trigger that starts all of us on our own journeys and it took a lot of reflection and getting past denial for Linda to realize that, in fact, she had been experiencing symptoms for quite some time. Years actually. But it was the more recent and rapid deterioration of her abilities to do the things she loves that made her aware of the fact that something was going seriously wrong. If you get nothing else out of this episode but the fact that attitude, gratitude and a little humor can really help you along the way, then I would call it a success. Hers is shaping up to be quite the journey.