Imperfect Heart

Imperfect Heart

Episode 11: Everything Doesn’t Always Go Perfectly. How Boots Knighton Handled Her Doctor’s Mistake.

July 19, 2023

Many of the stories to date, mine included, have had relatively good outcomes with little drama in the post-surgical process to recovery and final outcomes. We all know everything can’t always go right and I think it’s important we go from thinking that’s the case to sharing stories that were met with some adversity as well.  Everything can’t always go right.  Nothing is perfect.  And sometimes it can go terribly wrong.  Boots Knighton, an educator, an athlete, author and podcaster has quite the story to share as she had to advocate and navigate getting her “unroofing” surgery during Covid as well as dealing with a reconstruction issue as a result of the surgery.  She shares thoughts on mental health and nutrition but has an incredible solution to the mistake her doctor made that is a lesson we all can learn from.

You can find Boots podcast “The Heart Chamber” wherever you get your podcasts.  Website: “” Instagram: @theheartchamberpodcast. LinkedIn: Suzanne Boots Knighton

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