The Ad Watchers

Latest Episodes
A Chat with ICAS: What Are Ad Law’s Global Hot Topics?
In the final episode of the season, Ad Watchers hosts Annie Ugurlayan and Eric Unis go global. They are joined by Sibylle Stanciu-Loeckx, the executive director of the International Council for Advert
AI is Everywhere: What about advertising?
Artificial intelligence (AI) is top-of-mind for most businesses and on the radar of the National Advertising Division (NAD). In this episode of The Ad Watchers, NAD attorneys Eric Unis and Annie Ugurl
Clear and Conspicuous Disclosures: Can You Read the Fine Print?
For this episode of Ad Watchers, our hosts Eric Unis and Annie Ugurlayan, attorneys at the National Advertising Division (NAD), dive into the fine print to discuss disclosures the what, when, where,
The Best Subject In Advertising Law: Is It Puffery?
For this episode of Ad Watchers, join us for Erics favorite ad law topic: puffery, an exaggerated, blustering, or boastful statement or general claim that could only be understood to be an expression
Revisiting Consumer Reviews: Incentivized, Inflated, or Authentic?
In this episode of Ad Watchers, the hosts discuss the topic of consumer reviews and the actions taken by the National Advertising Division (NAD) to ensure their accuracy. They highlight several recent
Endorsements & Testimonials – So What’s New?
In this episode of Ad Watchers, hosts Eric Unis and Annie Ugurlayan, attorneys at the National Advertising Division (NAD), revisit the Federal Trade Commissions (FTC) Endorsement Guides. Given the re
What is the Appeal of an Appeal? Getting to Know NARB
In this episode of Ad Watchers, your hosts discuss a critical link in the chain of advertising industry self regulation: the National Advertising Review Board, or NARB, the appellate body for National
The NAD Top 10 — Did you know?
In this episode of Ad Watchers, hosts Dan and Annie take you behind the scenes of the U.S. system of self-regulation in the advertising industry and discuss some of the myths, the misconceptions, and
Data Privacy Framework (DPF) is Here – Now What?
The Data Privacy Framework (DPF) Program is now in effect, replacing the Privacy Shield Program as the mechanism to allow the safe, seamless transfer of personal data from the EU to the U.S in complia
A Different Playing Field. How is Advertising to Kids Different?
In 1974, NADs sister program, the Childrens Advertising Review Unit, or CARU, was established to monitor an area of national advertising not covered by NAD: the unique childrens marketplace. CARUs