The Tom Renz Show

The Tom Renz Show

Latest Episodes

Fauci, Gates, and the World Health Organization
June 07, 2024

The Tom Renz Show Fauci may not be the head of the snake, but I do not believe ANYONE more embodies the crimes against humanity that occurred from COVID than this crook. From masks to 6-foot distanc

The WHO Treaty and Bird Flu
May 30, 2024

The Tom Renz Show We are continuing to do gain-of-function work on US soil, and there are indications that the current bird flu may have come from an American lab. The WEF global takeover cannot occ

To engage in an effective fight for freedom we have to start by knowing who our enemy is
May 29, 2024

The Tom Renz Show Mel happens to be one of the best and most thorough researchers I know. Her work on the globalist cabal is truly some of the best there is, and Im honored to have her on the show.

Resurrecting the doctor and patient relationship
May 25, 2024

The Tom Renz Show When you go to the doctor, you may think that the relationship between your health and the doctor is the most important thing happening, but it is roughly fourth on the priority li

Snakes, corruption, and globalists align against MAGA Trump
May 23, 2024

The Tom Renz Show Trump in 2024 is looking more and more promising on a daily basis and the bad guys are really aligning to fight. I think those who hate America recognize that it is more than a lon

The war on truth is the war on freedom
May 22, 2024

The Tom Renz Show J6 was legitimately an insurrection. It was an insurrection against a sitting president by bureaucrats, Democrats, and even members of his own party. I believe Mitch McConnell, Nan

MAGA for Senate, Jim Marchant in Nevada
May 18, 2024

The Tom Renz Show Jim Marchant is a MAGA patriot who is running for Senate in Nevada. The Nevada Senate primary is tough on the GOP side, and it really seems like an all-out fight between the establ

America’s Reawakening with Clay Clark
May 18, 2024

The Tom Renz Show For over three years now, Clay Clark has been touring the country and allowing people like yours truly to speak truth to we the people. The ReAwakening Tour has had a profound impa

Healthcare shouldn’t be about permanent treatment funnels for Big Pharma drugs
May 15, 2024

The Tom Renz Show As it stands, healthcare is simply about creating permanent treatment funnels for big pharma drugs that you need to stay on for life.Mark Sherwood and his wife practice traditiona

Election 2024 – Trying to forget COVID and mRNA Death
May 14, 2024

The Tom Renz Show As friends, family members, and loved ones continue to die and as cancer continues to explode, all those who were lied to or who stood against the tyranny that was COVID are fighti