The Tom Renz Show

The Tom Renz Show

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Gene-Modifying Drugs in Our Food Supply Is a Big Deal – Informed Consent HB1169
April 06, 2023

The Tom Renz Show These lobbyists are trying to shut this bill down with the argument that they dont want to label all GMO foods as potential gene therapies if they have the potential to alter our

Ebola, COVID, The Biden BioWeapon Business
March 31, 2023

The Tom Renz Show Lets bear in mind that the World Health Organization led the investigation into both Ebola and SARS-CoV-2 origins and concluded that both viruses most likely were of zoonotic orig

Disturbing! ‘Day of Vengeance’ Planned by Antifa & Trans Activist Groups
March 31, 2023

The Tom Renz Show In Headline USA, there was an article titled, Antifa, Trans Activist Groups Planned Day of Vengeance Prior to Nashville Massacre. What would the response be if the tables were

Guns Don’t Kill People; Mentally Ill People Kill People!
March 30, 2023

The Tom Renz Show As if this tragedy wasnt bad enough, a gun control activist showed up at the school shooting briefing screaming about guns. This crazy buffoon activist said we need gun control an

Trump, DeSantis, 2024 & Election Fraud
March 29, 2023

The Tom Renz Show Think of what the two of them could accomplish with Trump in the White House and DeSantis as governor. If they were working together as a coordinated team, they would be able to pu

Big Pharma Admits Using Gene-modifying Technology Not Just in Vaccines, but Your Food
March 27, 2023

The Tom Renz Show Despite the clear language and context of this bill, pharma threw an absolute conniption over this and sent in the lobbyists to challenge this bill requiring gene therapies be labe

Hospital Whistleblower… “The Killing Floor”
March 26, 2023

The Tom Renz Show There are a lot of cases finally being filed on Remdesivir and other dangerous treatments. When these killing hospitals arent feeding and hydrating people, when nurses are admitti

Exposing the Complete Breakdown of Our Justice System
March 25, 2023

The Tom Renz Show All Americans want laws that are fair and our justice system to treat all citizens equally. Everyone can see the law isnt being applied equally, and the more these bought-and-paid

Here Is the Proof They Lied About Masks – When Do You Trust a Liar?
March 21, 2023

The Tom Renz Show By midsummer of 2020, we had both new and historical data that clearly showed that masking was of zero benefit and came with a number of very real risks. This evidence was incredib

Donald Trump Has Got It Right on World War 3
March 19, 2023

The Tom Renz Show This is clearly a planned attack on our economy being waged by our own government, and Trump said it perfectly, they are turning our country into a third-world disaster being run b