Here's the Deal: Fitness, Nutrition, & Mindset for People Who Don't Want Life to Suck

Here's the Deal: Fitness, Nutrition, & Mindset for People Who Don't Want Life to Suck

Organic Food Myths, How to Like Veggies, & Big Picture Dieting with EC Synkowski

June 10, 2024

In today’s episode, we sit down with EC Synkowski, a nutrition expert and creator of the 800-gram challenge - a straightforward, sensible, and powerful way to enhance your diet by incorporating more fruits and vegetables. She explains the science behind the challenge and its surprising benefits, including its positive impact on mental health. We explore the myths and misconceptions surrounding organic food and how marketing often leads to unnecessary stress about what we eat, how virtue labeling isn’t based in science, the myth that eating conventional food equates to consuming a dangerous dose of pesticides, and how organic food isn’t necessarily more nutritious or safer than its conventional counterparts.

We also discuss how long it actually takes to build a new habit (longer than you think), the challenges of maintaining a healthy diet in a world dominated by highly processed foods, and the importance of not demonizing any food but understanding the nutritional value and impact of different types of food. We discuss the importance of variety in our diets, the significance of portion control, and the psychological aspects of dieting.

“It's not about demonizing foods, but understanding why it's so hard to lose or maintain weight when calories from processed foods add up so quickly.”

- EC Synkowski, OptimizeMe Nutrition

“The the quicker you want the deadline, you quicker you want the turnaround, the more likely it is that you haven't set the habits you need for the real world.”

- EC Synkowski, OptimizeMe Nutrition

This week on Here’s the Deal:

  • How the #800gramchallenge is a straightforward, sensible, and powerful way to enhance your diet by incorporating more fruits and vegetables
  • Myths and misconceptions surrounding organic food and how marketing often leads to unnecessary stress about what we eat
  • How incorporating small, sustainable changes in your diet can lead to long-term success.
  • The challenges of maintaining health and weight loss in a modern food environment 

Connect with EC Synkowski:

Thanks for tuning in to this week’s episode of Here’s the Deal: Fitness, Nutrition, and Mindset for People Who Don’t Want Life to Suck, where we challenge the common understanding of what it means and what it takes to be fit and healthy! If you enjoyed this episode, don’t forget to subscribe and leave a review wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.

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