Finding Peace with the Skin You Are In Pt. 2
Continuing our series on body image, author Heather Creekmore joins me to day to talk about how to make peace with the skin you are in.
Heather Creekmore writes and speaks hope to thousands of women each week inspiring them to stop comparing and start living. She’s the author of four books including Compared to Who? a book that encourages women to uncover the spiritual root of body image issues and The Burden of Better, which offers women a journey into the depths of God’s grace to find a way off the treadmill of constant comparison. Heather’s latest release, the 40-Day Body Image Workbook: Hope for Christian Women Who’ve Tried Everything is a great resource for women looking for step-by-step help to improve their body image. Heather has been featured on Fox News, Huff Post, Morning Dose, Church Leaders, For Every Mom, and dozens of other shows and podcasts. But she’s best recognized from her appearance as a contestant on the Netflix hit show, Nailed It. Heather and her fighter-pilot-turned-pastor husband, Eric have four children and live in Austin, Texas.
Click here to order Heather’s 40-Day Body Image Workbook.
To follow Heather on Instagram at @comparedtowho
To follow Jen on Instagram: @jenniferstrickland_author
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