Relentless Truth with John Warren

Relentless Truth with John Warren

What We Can Learn From Recent Bank Failures

April 08, 2023


▼ Show Notes

In this episode we discuss recent bank failures. I explain the causes of these failures, and I provide you with some thoughts to consider in the context of these failures. I discuss some clarifying issues that will reduce tension and allow us to focus on the important facts regarding these failures and our banking system at large.

The History of Silicon Valley Bank

You will benefit from the information in this episode as you try to interpret and find order in this environment that we find ourselves in.  This doesn’t appear to be the beginning of a catastrophic collapse of any sort, but it is causing some concerns.

I discuss the history of Silicon Valley Bank and explain its financial condition in some detail. The reasons for this epic collapse are relatively easy to understand. The regulatory environment isn’t as complex as one might think.

The Basics of Banking

I discuss the basics of banking and give listeners a helpful perspective from an insider in this episode. I even discuss the banking system’s purpose and individual bank objectives to give you an overview that might be constructive. Our media doesn’t always explain these matters clearly, and I hope you find the information here to be helpful as you try to understand the facts.

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“You will benefit from the information in this episode as you try to interpret and find order in this environment that we find ourselves in.”
John Warren
