Relentless Truth with John Warren

Relentless Truth with John Warren

I Die Daily?

March 25, 2023


▼ Show Notes

In this episode of Relentless Truth, I discuss this notion of dying daily. Yes, we are dead to sin, but this is due to the finished work of Jesus Christ. While the Apostle Paul says he dies every day because of the challenges he faced, we are to consider or reckon ourselves perpetually dead to sin. But we don’t die daily.

Dead to Sin

The notion of sucking it up and conquering our own sin is one that will leave us frustrated. Reckoning or recognizing ourselves dead to sin is the admonition that Paul gives us. We are “in Him” and incorporated with Jesus Christ. The efficacy of the cross is a beautiful truth that frees us to live lives that are dead to sin.

Walk in Newness of Life

Paul makes it clear that we aren’t to continue in sin to activate more grace. My argument in this episode isn’t to just continue sinning. We are to walk in newness of life because of the finished work of Christ and enabled by the Holy Spirit. Be encouraged by this beautiful promise!

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“While the Apostle Paul says he dies every day because of the challenges he faced, we are to consider or reckon ourselves perpetually dead to sin.”
John Warren