Relentless Truth with John Warren

Relentless Truth with John Warren

My Health Journey

January 14, 2023


▼ Show Notes

I don’t like talking about myself, but health issues have been on our minds since the pandemic started a few years ago. Over three years ago, I decided to eat a healthier diet due some health indicators slipping toward an unhealthy range. My wake-up call was a trip to the doctor and the required weigh-in process.


I talk about my battle with cancer years ago in this episode as well as my effort to ensure better health by dropping a lot of weight recently. The solution was a program that has an app that tracks points based on a forced nutrition mentality.  There is no way I would have attended meetings or even driven to an office for “weigh-ins.” The plan forced me to eat healthier foods in an encouraging way. And it worked! The weight came off over the course of a year, and it has stayed off. My blood pressure is lower, and other health indicators are improved. My physician was pleased and even gushed that he was surprised because most patients don’t succeed at changing their pattern.

Striving For Good Health Glorifies God

The truth is that I made the decision to live a healthier lifestyle because of Biblical truth. I genuinely want to be as effective as possible in the classroom, through my podcast, and through my consulting work. And to do this, I need to be as strong and healthy as possible. God’s love for me prompts me to love Him (as I discussed in episode 78), and that love motivates me to want to glorify Him. It isn’t a stretch to link striving for good health with glorifying God.

I’m glad to disclose the specifics of my weight loss process to interested listeners. Please send an email request or contact me through the contact form on the website.

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“The truth is that I made the decision to live a healthier lifestyle because of Biblical truth.”
John Warren
