Relentless Truth with John Warren

Relentless Truth with John Warren

Why Do Christians Treat Each Other Poorly?

January 07, 2023


▼ Show Notes

Maybe it’s just me, but it seems that Christians behave badly toward each other and other people outside of the Christian faith far too often. I see more grudges, posturing, and name calling in the evangelical church than in the secular world sometimes. Why does this happen if we are truly walking by faith?

Christians Behaving Badly

In this episode I discuss Christians behaving badly. The sense of license that we have in doing this is inconsistent with Scripture, and it seems to come from a place of entitlement. Does our security in Christ lead us into some sort of self-confident antinomianism? Do we treat our Christian community like a club that entitles us to treat others in the club with contempt because we believe our membership can’t be revoke?

The Greatest Commandment

I explore the core issues that inform us on this important topic in this episode. I review the greatest commandment and the fact that Jesus added, “and with all your mind” and “and your neighbor as yourself” when he quoted this commandment. The mind is important in Scripture because God uses His Word to renew our minds in a process that we don’t fully comprehend.

I also discuss God’s love for us as the reason that compels us to engage in loving our neighbor in this episode. It is “because he first loved us” that allows us to love others unconditionally. In fact, his character, as described in Romans 11:33 and following, is the basis for our ability to have our minds renewed as we live in Christian community.

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“Maybe it’s just me, but it seems that Christians behave badly toward each other and other people outside of the Christian faith far too often.”
John Warren
