Relentless Truth with John Warren

Relentless Truth with John Warren

The Bad News

November 14, 2022

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To understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ, there are two essential pillars of truth that we must address as foundational. An understanding of who God is and clarity on who man is are foundational to all truth. This week, I discuss “who man is.”

Who God Is and Who Man Is

Paul and other New Testament writers make it clear that man is desperately lost in sin. We don’t like to talk about the darkness of sin and its implications, but this is foundational to seeing the beauty of God’s glory. Much like the darkness illuminating the stars at night, our sin causes us to see the beauty of God’s glory in salvation.

We tend to easily see the sin in others, but we like to worship a false god who tolerates our sinful hardness of heart. We are far worse than we are prepared to acknowledge relative to the righteousness of a holy God.

The Good News

BUT good news follows this bad news. Our great hope in Jesus Christ is confirmed by his sinless life, cruel execution, resurrection, and ascension. Praise God, the story of mankind doesn’t end with the bad news of our sin! A holy God justifies us by faith in Jesus Christ! The bad news is resolved by this incredibly good news.

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“We tend to easily see the sin in others, but we like to worship a false god who tolerates our sinful hardness of heart.”
John Warren

The post The Bad News first appeared on John Warren Media.
