Relentless Truth with John Warren

Relentless Truth with John Warren

What Does Our Constitution Say About Religion

November 07, 2022

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Does the U.S. Constitution really say that church and state must be separated? Where does the Constitution mention religion? What does it mean when it says, “there shall be no religious test?”

Religion and the Constitution

Our politicians and even the media misquote and misuse the Constitution’s references to religion. The religious test question is particularly abused. What is it actually addressing? I discuss this and related issues in this important episode.

The Religious Test Question

Christians, it is important for us to be able to articulate these matters clearly. We tend to assume we understand these principles, and we often rely on political leaders for our views on these matters. Please enjoy this important episode on religion in the Constitution!

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“We tend to assume we understand these principles, and we often rely on political leaders for our views on these matters.”
John Warren

The post What Does Our Constitution Say About Religion first appeared on John Warren Media.